At dlógica our work does not finish when the web page is on line. For us it is essential to continue giving you the best service at all times because we know that once the project is online, begins a hard work for you:

  • Update your content
  • Use the correct communications to your customers and to the internet community
  • Manage persuability
  • SEO
  • etc ...

Very often once you start to use your solution and find out everything you can offer, you'll come up a thousand ways to expand and improve other aspects of it. Therefore, we offer tailored packages of Evolutionary maintenance for each of those requests. Maintenance packages can be ordered ad hoc or in advance.

The maintenance packeged will have a number of hours that you will consume in any of the different services that dlógica offers. You always have full visibility of the hours consumed and earrings and so you can manage your budget with us with complete autonomy.

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